Exploration of Mars - Current and past Mission of Mars

Mars Exploration
Mars Exploration - History and possible future crewed missions
Mars Exploration Program
Time on Mars - Map showing the current time and illumination on Mars
Center for Mars Exploration
Mars Today - Current orbital position and model surface conditions
Live from Earth and Mars: Meteorology and Images
Viking Image Atlas of Mars
On-line Mars Atlas
Hubble images of Mars
Life on Mars and Martian Meteorites
Life on Mars?
Images of Mars Meteorite showing putative microfossils
Meteorites from Mars
Mars Meteorite Compendium

Missions to Mars
Current and Past Missions

Phoenix - NASA Mars Scout Lander (2007)
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - NASA Orbiter (2005)
Mars Exploration Rovers - Two NASA Rovers to Mars (2003)
Mars Express - ESA Mars Orbiter and Lander (2003)
2001 Mars Odyssey - NASA Orbiter Mission to Mars (2001)
Mars Polar Lander - NASA attempted lander to Mars (1999)
Deep Space 2 - NASA attempted penetrator mission to Mars (1999)
Mars Climate Orbiter - NASA attempted orbiter to Mars (1998)
Nozomi (Planet-B) - ISAS (Japan) orbiter to Mars (1998)
Mars Global Surveyor - NASA Mars orbiter (1996)
Mars Pathfinder - NASA lander and rover to Mars (1996)
Mars 96 - Russian attempted mission to Mars (1996)
Mars Observer - NASA attempted mission to Mars (1992)
Phobos - Soviet missions to Mars (1988)
Viking - NASA orbiters/landers to Mars (1975)
Mars 6 - Soviet Mars lander (1973)
Mars 5 - Soviet Mars orbiter (1973)
Mariner 9 - NASA Mars orbiter (1971)
Mars 3 - Soviet Mars orbiter and lander (1971)
Mars 2 - Soviet Mars orbiter and lander (1971)
Mariner 7 - NASA Mars flyby (1969)
Mariner 6 - NASA Mars flyby (1969)
Mariner 4 - NASA Mars flyby (1964)
Mars Chronology - Timeline of all Mars missions
Future Missions
Proposals For Future Missions Selected - NASA Press Release (8 Jan 2007)
Mars 2007 and Beyond - Proposed Future Missions to Mars (2007)
Hypothetical Scenario for Crewed Mission
NASA Official: Dr. Ed Grayzeck
Dr. David R. Williams
Version 2.0.1
Last updated: 01 August 2008